April 12, 2025
By practitioner I am including my life as practice, all facets of my life make me the person I am in a process of becoming. I am working on my own well-be(com)ing and I see my life as enquiry where I am researching my own progress to share with others who may be influenced to improve their own well-be(com)ing.

Overview of My Research
As a practitioner-researcher I am aware that my leisure time is as important to my research as my work time. In order to develop my own well-be(com)ing, I need to have a balance in my life. The Japanese philosophy of Ikigai of having a balance of doing what I love, what I am good at, what the world needs and what enables me to make a living is something I am working to achieve. I have written about my research:
Thanks My living-theory of challenging dominant discourses
Living Theory Research Group – a model of sustainable learning for the 'flourishing of humanity'
'Care For The Self? - How Can I Live Caring for Myself in Practice?'
Living Poster for Action Research Network of the Americas 2015
Book Review Maslach, Burnout: The Cost of Caring